
Nine Gold Medals - Workbook/Textbook Solutions of Treasure Trove of Short Stories and Poems ICSE- MSB Publication

Treasure Trove Workbook Answers

Extract 1

(i) Athletes from all over the country came to the stadium where the special Olympics was held. They came to participate in the game and win the medal

(ii) Gold and Bronze and Silver are the words for medal which were awarded to the best contender awarded to the winners' Contestant Gold Medal. Competitors were well prepared because they trained for months and each of them had a desire to win a gold medal.

(iii) A. All the contestants entered the stadium with the desire to win gold medal.B. The competition for 100 yards of the competition was starting to excite the audience.

(iv) The audience gathered around the ground because they wanted to see the game and please the opponent. The athletes in the competition are known as 'young women and men'.

(v) The prestigious 100 yard race is being talked about and the final event. The viewers were very excited. He excited and encouraged the athletes. 

Extract 2

(i) The blocks were created to push competitors when the race started. 'Those' are referred to a hundred yard-dash participants.

(ii) The poet gradually created the secret. First of all, she tells about the enthusiasm among the audience, then about the beginning of the incident, and finally the youngest athlete's stumbling. What is the weather of the system is what is going to happen next.

(iii) The explosion of the pistol showed the beginning of the game. The rhyming pattern in the first four lines is abcd. The next 4 lines have anecdotes.

(iv) The misfortune of the youngest athlete was unfortunate. He started running, he got infiltrated, and struck asphalt. He had worked hard and hoped to win the gold medal. But now she was disappointed. He was disappointed. They thought that all their hopes of winning were lost forever.

(v) True sports skills are not included in winning the medal. It involves playing fair and helping each other, even at the cost of losing, the eighth athletes abandoned their attempt to win. Stop running to help the falling athlete.
Extract 3

(i) The youngest athletes who fell, cried. He did not cry much because he was physically hurt, but because he was suffering in the heart. He was unconscious that his hope of winning the gold medal was lost forever.

(ii) The youngest athlete had trained for months and dreamed of winning the gold medal. But in fate this will happen, he stumbles and falls. Their dreams of winning were scattered forever.

(iv) Other 8 trainees were running with strength. One of them was sure to win a gold medal. But all of them stopped and the returning participants came back to help on their feet. The approach demonstrates that they value the feelings above winning the medal.

(v) These lines describe what the true sportship means. Winning medal is important, but this is not the most important thing. The game should be taught to us human value. This is the main theme of the poem.

() Other 8 athletes came back and helped the athlete the youngest of his legs. Then they all kept their hands, and together they went on the finish line. Now nine of them were winners. Each got a gold medal. Along with the audience, the officials gave them a permanent proclamation.

Extract 4

(i) Now the race starts again. Eight athletes did not want to win gold medals individually. We get involved in the hands because they wanted to win it with him, now he could not run, but he went to the finish line with the ninth athlete

.(ii) 'Special Olympics' is for those whose body has some problem. They are not general athletes, so this is called special Olympics. But the special Olympics became really special because it was the first event in which nine gold medals were given in the same event

.(iv) The race and the game ended in the victory 8 athletes did not care about winning the medal. He helped the man playing his falling partner. But they all won a gold medal and won the audience's sympathy.

(v) All competitors were happy when they were crossing the finish line simultaneously. Their faces were made of happiness. The audience was impressed with the work of sports skills and made them cough.

() Special Olympics name was kept because it was not for general athletes, but for those who were physically challenged. All became special because the athlete showed unprecedented sportsships. And it was for the first time that all nine contestants had won each gold medal.

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